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Providing All Your Roofing Insurance Needs

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Roofing Insurance Specialists

The home improvement industry faces unique challenges as it provides services to home and business owners. Roofing contractors, as part of this multi-billion dollar industry, experience the same challenges and risks as they do business. To protect valuable business assets from the risks associated with the roofing industry, business owners throughout California have turned to ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency for comprehensive insurance solutions. We specialize in placing unique business risks across many industries, including roofing contractors. Our experience in general liability and professional liability insurance is unrivaled in the state of California, as we’ve been in the insurance business for over seven decades. Let The Olson Duncan Agency help you with a comprehensive insurance plan to manage your business risks.

Commercial Insurance Policies for Roofing Operations

Roofing operations are complex and represent several significant perils that can cost thousands, if not millions, of dollars in liability claims if the business is not adequately protected through insurance. There are several key coverages to consider when evaluating insurance solutions for the roofing industry, including:

Commercial General Liability (CGL) – General liability coverage is the basis of most business-oriented insurance policies and is the foundation upon which other coverage lines are added as needed. CGL provides the roofing company with insurance coverage for property damage occurring to third parties as well as bodily injury claims.

Professional Liability – Many roofing contractors have taken on new roles in the industry, such as designing the roof and roof structures in new construction. This exposes them to new risks, and professional liability insurance is designed to protect against those risks. This part of the insurance plan covers financial damages to a third party arising from errors and omissions (E&O) claims against the roofing company.

Umbrella Liability – This valuable add-on provides insurance coverage in excess of established liability limits under the primary liability policy. For certain business risks, umbrella liability coverage can offer enhanced financial asset protection.

Workers’ Compensation – As a roofing contractor, you know that your employees are your most valuable assets. Workers’ compensation insurance helps take care of medical expenses and pay for lost wages if those employees are injured on the job.

There are additional insurance coverages available, including commercial property, commercial auto, employment practices liability, and more. Let the experts at ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency help develop the insurance plan that works for your specific business needs. Our team can also assist company owners and operators with state bonding requirements, ensuring that your company is protected from the liability and workplace risks associated with your operation.

ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency: Total Insurance Solutions

As a Top Ten private property and casualty insurance brokerage, ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency is equipped to provide total insurance solutions, not just a quote. Business owners throughout the state of California have come to rely on the broad selection of insurance policies and options we provide, all at competitive rates. We combine access to over 300 top-rated insurance carriers with our experienced team of insurance professionals, delivering comprehensive insurance solutions that are tailored to the exact needs of each of our business owner clients. ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency has worked with roofing contractors all across the state of California.

From finding insurance coverage to filing an insurance claim or adding features to your current commercial policy, our help center is equipped to handle client care with industry-leading professionalism and courtesy. Our insurance agency is built on a 70-year foundation of integrity. We stand out in a highly competitive insurance marketplace for our outstanding service to you, our most important business assets. With the help of our team of insurance professionals, you can protect your business with policies designed specifically for your risk exposures. To learn more about the insurance options and services we provide to our customers, call ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency today at (310) 373-6441.

Our Value

At Olson Duncan Insurance, we look to provide clients with a total solution, not simply a quote or an insurance contract. Our goal is to provide real value and build a long-term relationship based on trust. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions. To find out more about how we can help you, or if you would like a quote, please call our team at (310) 373-6441.